For Christmas, I choreographed a dance routine and put together a movie for my students' performance. They performed to the song, Grown-up Christmas List, by Amy Grant in front of the entire school. Fellow staff, parents, and even children were in tears when the performance was over. The words of the song are moving, and on the movie, the students had written out their "grown-up" wishes to Santa for Christmas. If you understand the background of my students, you would know why their wishes pierce the heart. I will try to put a live clip of that up here when I get a chance.
These pictures were taken on the last day of school. As a surprise for the kids, I played the performance clip from Christmas time, which most of them had not seen yet. My desk was behind them, so it was cute to secretly watch them from behind, and see some of them slowly get up one at a time as they watched, and start doing the motions all over again. They were so proud of that day, as I was of them. The second picture is when they realized I was watching and taking pictures.