Some of the youth and I were goofing around at church and drawing random pictures. I sketched one of my cousin (second cousin?). It came out strangely okay, which surprised me because I hadn't drawn portraits in FOREVER. I used to draw them all the time in high school. My drawing accuracy got worse as I got older, probably because of lack of practice. I would get so frustrated with my faces that I would leave part of it undone, usually one of the eyes. Hence, I ended up creating a number of one-eyed sketches. Haha... Either that, or my proportions would be so off, that the drawing would end up looking like a person, but a totally different person, that I ha

d never met until creating the picture. Anyway, being proud that this sketch didn't turn out to be a total mutation, I thought I'd post it in case I end up never being able to sketch a normal face again. :) She's the one in the pink. This was like the only normal picture I could find of her. Making wacky faces in pics must run in my family.