Thanks to Howard, a random fellow artist I met in LA, I got a chance to experiment with a new medium - Sculpey (or Polymer) clay. This stuff ROCKS my SOCKS! It never dries out and bakes perfectly (without a kiln!)
So, I was sitting at home staring at this clay that Howard gave me as a gift (two days before I had to head down to Haemin and Howard's (different Howard) wedding in LA). Suddenly, I came up with an idea to make a cake topper as a gift for the happy couple. Since I was handling a

ll the
flowers, including floral decoration of the cake, at the wedding, I knew they didn't have a cake topper yet. So, I thought I'd give it a shot, and if worse comes to worst, I could just place it on their table as a standing figurine. The end result was more than I ever imagined! The picture above is before I fully finished it, but it was such a nice shot (courtesy of Daniel Lee), I had to put it in.
I had never really sculpted before, so the whole process was an adventure! It was fun com

ing up with alternative methods, especially when I didn't have the right tools. Like, at one point, I was smacking the clay with a wooden rice spatula I found to flatten it out. My brother looks over and says "Heyy... that's my spatula. I got it as a gift." And, I laughed and said, "Heyy.. thanks!" as I proceeded to slap the clay.

This was one of my absolute favorite details. I wanted the shoes to have texture similar to real shoes, so I ran over to the pile of shoes in our apartment, found a pair of my brother's actual converse, and rolled it over the clay to make the treads for the clay converse. It worked great!

Here, I was fooling around with different hairstyles for Howard before actually making his hair. It was quite entertaining.
This was the quick sketch I did before starting the models. I started with the idea on the left, then changed it because the faces looked too flat and expressionless. I also didn't want to make arms, so I was initially going to make them arm-less figurines.

For a final touch, I called up my friend, Jiun, who can create custom-made earrings, and asked her to make a pair of earrings for the figurine. I left her ears pierced so that it might be easier for Jiun to get the earrings through.
Unfortunately, it ended up being much more difficult than I had anticipated because of the fragile nature of the doll. Jiun sat for 6 hours just trying to thread and build the earrings. 6 hours!!! She did an amazing job!
My picture below sucks because the earrings themselves are out of focus.

Here is a final shot of the bride and groom, and the cake topper. Do you see the likeness?
It was eery how much they looked alike, considering I had only a vague idea of what their dress and hair was going to look like.
Here's the gift, all wrapped pretty and ready to be opened!
Finally, here is the teary-eyed bride that made all the work worth it.
i'm the first commenter!!! muahaha ...cute pix!!
Aimee~~ they turned out so well!!
YOU ARE AWESOME!! :) I seriously am still so amazed how you did it. And it looks just like them! Good job Aimee.
You are a freaking creative genius!! You don't need me to tell you that!!
you need to hurry up and do something in the creative field...maybe you can start your own creative wedding service or any creative service. your talent is obvious and awesome.
can you make me one with my head and a giant ripped body holding a tiny guitar?
I love my cake topper! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I'm still incredibly overwhelmed and stunned that you did this all by yourself...and that it was your first time!
You're an amazing artist and a more incredible friend. :)
Love you!
so cute :) are you going to make me one too????
aimee i am bery impressed! can you be my official cake topper for my wedding? hehe
you are so amazingly talented. that's awesome.
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